


Revelstoke (Mount Revelstoke National Park) –Glacier National Park– Golden -radium hot springs – Banff


(Castle Mountain可考慮隔一天再去)




Mount Revelstoke National Park(勒維斯托克山國家公園)

Meadow in the sky parkway (26公里通往山頂停車場的草原大道)

Giant Cedars Boardwalk Trail (健行登山步道)


Glacier National Park (冰川國家公園)

Hemlock Grove Boardwalk (健行登山步道)

Bear Creek Falls Trail (健行、瀑布、步道)


Golden (黃金鎮)


Whitetooth Bistro (西餐廳,有沙拉、牛排,營業時間9:00-22:00)

Island Restaurant (餐廳)

Big Bend Café(咖啡廳,營業時間7:30-14:00)

Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge (欣賞河景的橋)

Whitetooth Brewing Company(啤酒釀製廠)


Radium Hot Springs (鐳溫泉村)

正式進入Kootenay National Park(庫特尼國家公園)

Radium Hot Springs Visitor Centre (遊客中心)

Radium Hot Springs (公共室外溫泉)

Sinclair Canyon Trails (健行)

Olive Lake (在馬路邊的湖)

Kootenay Valley Viewpoint (展望點)

Kicking Horse Pedestrian Bridge (欣賞河景的橋)

Whitetooth Brewing Company(啤酒釀製廠)


Banff (班夫/班芙)


Sulphur Mountain(班夫鎮南方三公里的硫磺山,可搭纜車-Banff gondola,山頂有氣象觀測站,可登高望遠)

Banff Upper Hot Springs(去硫磺山的索道纜站附近的著名露天溫泉)

Banff Visitor Centre(遊客中心)

Cave and Basin National Historic Site (洞穴與盆地國家歷史古蹟)

Marsh Loop Trailhead (在洞穴盆地古蹟旁的湖泊)

Buffalo Nations Museum (了解當地文化,營業時間10:00-19:00)

Banff Park Museum National Historic Site(只營業六日11:00-17:00)

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity(藝術中心,營業時間7:00-22:00)

Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies(融合多媒體和傳統的博物館,營業時間10:00-17:00)

Kootenay Valley Viewpoint (展望點)

Bow Falls Viewpoint (弓河瀑布,電影「大江東去」拍攝地)

Wild Bill's Legendary Saloon(有音樂表演的餐廳,營業時間11:00-2:00)

Balkan Restaurant (地中海餐廳,營業時間11:30-22:00,可先訂位)

Pacini (義大利餐廳,營業時間6:30-00:00)

Chuck's Steakhouse(網民熱推的牛排館,營業時間17:00-22:00)

Eddie Burger Bar(漢堡酒吧,營業時間11:30-02:00)

Park Distillery Restaurant and Bar(餐廳和酒吧,營業時間11:00-22:00)

Good Earth Coffeehouse – Banff (咖啡廳,營業時間6:30-21:00)


Wild Flour Bakery(麵包店,營業時間7:00-16:00)

Monod Sports Ltd(運動用品店,營業時間10:00-20:00)

Banff Candy Store(糖果專賣店,營業時間9:00-21:00)

The Fairmont Banff Springs(班夫溫泉飯店,很貴,建築列為國家古蹟)

Tunnel Mountain Trail (健行登山步道)

Tunnel Mountain Campground(露營地)

Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court(露營地)

Tunnel Mountain Village I Campground(露營地)

Hoodoos Viewpoint(露營地前的步道與展望點)

Lake Minnewanka(班夫鎮東北方約13分鐘車程的湖泊)


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